Programme Type:

Course Overview

Our curriculum is built on a variety of themes, which run through all academic years of the programme;
mathematical methods, statistical methods, analysis, probability, algebra, mechanics, computational mathematics, computational statistics and data analysis.

A variety of innovative teaching and assessment methods challenge the students to apply their mathematical and statistical knowledge and skills to real-world problems. Moreover, the programme develops communication skills, such as delivering oral presentations and designing conference-style posters. The latter years of the programme have a number of specialist optional modules that will enable students to focus their degree towards their personal interests.

Overall, the BSc (Hons) Mathematics and Statistics programme provides students with sufficient in-depth knowledge to enable them to embark on further studies or apply that knowledge in the industry.

Entry Requirement 

The minimum entry requirements are:

  • Apolytirion or High School leaving Certificate or other equivalents.
  • Knowledge of English Language.


€8500 per year (60 ECTS) from the original fee of €9950 after the discount of €1450 per year UCLan Cyprus Bursary.

This information was accurate on : 18/01/2021
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