Programme Type:

Course Overview

The bachelor degree of/ Electromechanical is a combination of electrical and mechanical systems knowledge and skills. The use of high technology and new methods in the industrial electromechanical installations requires skilled ‘knowledge workers’ who can fully support the advanced systems used. A skilled workforce is needed to assist in the design, to analyze, to manage and maintain the advanced electromechanical installations of the country. The holistic approach will be achieved through the combination of knowledge and skills in both electrical and mechanical fields.

All developed nations are implementing energy efficiency measures to improve their carbon footprint. As such, in the manufacturing and process plants sector, the energy-saving

The proliferation of Electrical Alternative Energy and Renewable Energy Solutions developments requires adequate knowledge and skill in electrical and mechanical systems technology. The area includes alternative energy such as PV, solar cell, biomass, etc, Battery Management Systems, Electrical Energy Harvesting, and others. Hence, the invention of new technologies in electrical and mechanical systems requires trained engineering technologists in the respective area.

features of electrical and mechanical drives along with other advantages such as power on demand, better controllability, and easier maintenance are becoming indispensable factors for any modern industry to employ the technology.

Entry Requirement 

Student must complete 12 years of schooling and obtain a general pass in their High School Certificate, A-levels or equivalent with min Grade C (60%) in Mathematics and one of the Science subjects (such as Physics, Chemistry or Biology – depending on the programme)
IELTS 5.0 or it is equivalent

PBT 525
CBT 167
IBT 120


RM7500 – RM7813

This information was accurate on : 02/03/2021
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