Programme Type:

Course Overview

Who is it for?

This apprenticeship is aimed at two different types of people.

  • School leavers looking to do an apprenticeship instead of the traditional study route.
  • Aspiring managers within companies who do not have a degree but want to develop.

Why do the apprenticeship?

This apprenticeship has been designed to provide access to development opportunities for a wide range of individuals. Whether you are looking for access to development opportunities if you already have practical experience but wish to improve your theoretical understanding and develop your management skills further or individuals who are at the start of their career who wish to become professional managers and achieve Chartered Manager status.

What are the benefits?

  • You’ll complete a course with a bachelor’s degree and a Chartered Manager award for apprentices (Level 6).
  • You’ll be working as you learn putting into practice your studies and gaining an advantage compared to students in full-time education.
  • You’ll be earning a salary.
  • You’ll not pay for your degree – it is part-funded by the Government and your employer will cover the tuition fee.
  • An apprenticeship could increase your opportunity to gain an internal promotion and develop your career.

Funded by the Government and your employer, this apprenticeship combines work-based learning and business education, which leads to a degree and professional recognition through the award of Chartered Manager status (CMgrM CMI).

Nottingham Business School has over 20 years of experience in the delivery of in-company work-based learning degrees in business and management and will deliver this innovative programme in partnership with the Chartered Management Institute (CMI).

Entry Requirement 

Academic Requirements:

  • A level (or equivalent) - BBB, excluding General studies or
  • BTEC Extended Diploma - DDM
  • 5 GCSE's including English language and maths at grade C / 4 or above
  • Individual employers may have additional selection criteria for their apprenticeships
  • Applicants who do not meet the standard entry requirements will be considered subject to experience and academic assessment.


Full-Time Course Fee


This information was accurate on : 30/03/2021
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