Programme Type:

Course Overview

Our Biomedical Genetics BSc Honours degree focuses on developing your scientific and experimental skills to ensure you graduate prepared for your rewarding career in science. 

We are a National Centre of Excellence in biomedical research and you will be taught by our world-leading and expert staff. You will graduate with cutting-edge knowledge of the industry. 

Studying a range of topics, from biochemistry, microbiology, and physiology to evolution and genomics, our varied, but in-depth curriculum allows you to find your interests in the field. 

You will further your research skills through your final-year project. This gives you the practical experience of planning and conducting research that employers seek. 

Entry Requirement 

A Level: AAA-AAB

IB: 34-35 points


Fees (per year)

Home: £9250
International: £23400

This information was accurate on : 02/01/2021
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