Programme Type:

Course Overview

This programme has been structured and developed in consultation with and is moderated by, foreign universities to ensure that it is of an acceptable international standard.

The curriculum has been designed to provide students with a sound background in accounting, finance, marketing, management, and related business subjects. Apart from preparing students for entry into business degree programmes, the Diploma in Business adequately prepares students for the job market as well.

On completion of this programme, graduates will have acquired the knowledge and practical skills in business which will enhance their competency to complete their assigned tasks. It is widely accepted by Australian, British and New Zealand universities as being equivalent to their first-year course of studies.

Entry Requirement 

Admission Requirements:

Applicants must have one of the following Entry requirements:

SPM / O-Levels
At least 3 credits (including a pass in SPM Bahasa Melayu and Sejarah)

Senior Middle 3 (UEC)
At least 3 B’s


RM 31850

This information was accurate on : 05/02/2021
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