Programme Type:

Course Overview

Our flexible course enables you to mould a programme of study to your own needs and aspirations, and may be approached as preparation for a research degree in music.

It is important that a musicologist also develops complementary skills and/or knowledge outside their specialism which will help equip them for a future career: professional musicologists typically find themselves, amongst other things, teaching, managing and administering; some even maintain parallel careers as professional performers or composers.

Therefore, we provide you with a choice of Professional Development Options (shared across our postgraduate programmes) alongside your musicological work to give you the opportunity to develop and/or expand your interests across a range of complementary areas.

The Conservatoire team—which comprises a large number of research-active staff—has a vast array of expertise, allowing us to supervise a wide range of projects, and we are particularly keen to attract those interested in pursuing Masters-level research in our specialist areas.

Entry Requirement 

UK students should normally hold a 2:1 honours degree, ideally but not necessarily in Music.

Non-UK students should hold a Bachelor's degree or a similar degree-equivalent diploma, ideally but not necessarily in Music.

All applicants will submit a proposal detailing ideas for their Dissertation project and this will be followed by an interview.

Home student auditions will be scheduled live in Birmingham.

EU/international students outside the UK at the time of application may participate in a Skype interview.

English language requirements

You must have a minimum of IELTS 6.5 or equivalent in all four skills areas to secure a visa

You must have IELTS 7 overall; or alternatively must have studied and completed a Bachelor’s degree in the UK;*.


Full-Time fee:  £13200 per year

This information was accurate on : 05/05/2021
Please contact us for more information about this courses

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