Programme Type:

Course Overview

Physics courses explore physical phenomena and properties of the universe like mechanics, gravitation, electricity and magnetism, atomic and nuclear structure, waves and optics, and the properties of matter and energy. During coursework, students acquire skills with the theoretical and experimental tools required for the practice of physics and astronomy. At the same time, students come to appreciate how the intersection of science and technology has shaped history and society.

The department’s education facilities include laboratories equipped with modern technology and multiple teaching spaces tailored to foster interactive learning. All physics majors are required to participate in undergraduate research experiences mentored by faculty members or by colleagues at any of the many science research institutions in the Washington, DC area. The department’s faculty members are active in research in multiple subfields of physics including optics, atomic and condensed matter theory, astrophysics, particle physics, physics education, quantum information, and gravitational physics. The department is also home to the Integrated Space Science and Technology Institute (ISSTI), whose members engage in wide-ranging NASA funded research projects in space science, astronomy, astrophysics, heliophysics, planetary science, astrobiology, and astrochemistry. 

Entry Requirement 

Admission to the Program:
Formal admission to the major requires a grade point average of 2.00 (on a 4.00 scale) and departmental approval.

University Requirements:

  • 120 credit hours with minimum 2.00 cumulative GPA (Undergraduate Academic Regulation 2)
  • Completion of all requirements for a major (Undergraduate Academic Regulation 9)


Undergraduate Credit Rate Tuition Total
Part-Time (less than 12 credit hours per credit hour) $1516*
Full-Time (12-17.5 credit hours) $22744*
Full-Time(18 credit hours)


This information was accurate on : 30/11/2020
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