Programme Type:

Course Overview

Our department cultivates a collegial and congenial environment where you can pursue a flexible program of study designed to fulfill your intellectual interests and professional goals. You can develop your expertise in one of two specialized tracks of study: applied chemistry or clinical biochemistry. 

The clinical biochemistry track will prepare you for careers in clinical laboratories, the pharmaceutical industry, and biodefense. Throughout the program, you will get hands-on experience in a clinical lab setting. Upon completion of the program, you will be able to operate analytical instrumentation used in clinical settings, safely handle clinical samples, and effectively explain your results to a wide audience. The course content includes regulatory and toxicological topics, which are growing areas of interest in the clinical laboratory setting.

The applied chemistry track is more flexible. With a broader selection of courses, you can customize your program of study—focusing on analytical and inorganic chemistry, biochemistry, or organic chemistry—to prepare for a variety of careers or further graduate study.

Entry Requirement 

Admission to the Program

Applicants must have earned a degree equivalent to fulfilling the requirements for a Chemistry (BS) or Biochemistry (BS) with a minimum 2.75 cumulative GPA from a college accredited by the American Chemical Society or equivalent. Graduate Record Examination (GRE) scores are required. All applications must be approved by the faculty of the Department of Chemistry

Students who wish to complete the Clinical Biochemistry track and do not have the appropriate background will be expected to take Biochemistry I and Biochemistry as prerequisite work.


Graduate Credit Rate:

Per credit hour$1631*

This information was accurate on : 30/11/2020
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